文章来源: 发布时间:2012-10-30 【字号: 小中 大 】
国际天文学联合会(IAU)主席Norio Kaifu的贺电 Dear professor Xiangqun Cui, President of Chinese Astronomical Society, and all respective members of Chinese Astronomical Society, I am so happy to express congratulation upon 90-years anniversary of the Chinese Astronomical Society representing the International Astronomical Union. I also congratulate and thank Chinese Astronomical Society for hosting and supporting the very successful XXVIII-th General Assembly of IAU in Beijing. We may be able to say that 1922 was a start of modern astronomy in China, but as everybody knows China has long brilliant history of astronomy from ancient time, especially in observational astronomy. Chiang Heng of Han-Dynasty, Kuo Shou-ching of Yuan Dynasty, and many other great names who developed epoch-making observational instruments are in our memory. Now Chinese astronomers are again realizing a number of cutting-edge large instruments in various fields of observational astrophysics, as well as excellent theoretical works. As a member of IAU China has also long history since 1934, and currently has about 500 individual members which is already 7th largest among the IAU national members. The most important fact is, however, that Chinese astronomy is still rapidly growing. The number of member of the CAS, about 2300, shows the situation clearly. With those increasing number of young astronomers and continued accomplishments of new powerful instruments, Chinese astronomers will play more and more important role in IAU and in astronomy in the world. In this connection it is also important progress that the OAD regional node for East Asia was established in Beijing. This is a firm step for the IAU 10-years strategy “Astronomy for Development”, and together with regional node for South-East Asia based in Thailand it will promote research, education and outreach of astronomy in Asia. As IAU president come from Asia I sincerely wish to promote extensive, powerful, and close cooperation of astronomy in Asia region. Finally, I congratulate on 90 years of the Chinese Astronomical Society again, and wish its higher and higher development and growth for astronomy and for our future. Norio Kaifu President of IAU 贺 信 尊敬的中国天文学会: 江苏省天文学会仅代表江苏天文工作者,热烈祝贺中国天文学会成立九十周年。并预祝中国天文学会九十周年纪念大会圆满成功。 江苏省天文学会成立于1921年,在中国天文学会成立后,长期得到中国天文学会各方面的支持和帮助,一起为中国天文学的发展作出了应有的贡献。目前拥有千余省学会会员,并产生了400余位中国天文学会会员。 中国天文学会成立九十年来,为推动中国天文学的进步、发展、走向世界作出了重大贡献。中国天文学会成立九十年来,为现代天文学引入中国,发展、壮大中国现代天文学的队伍作出了杰出贡献。 为此,请接受江苏省天文学会所致以的崇高敬意! 江苏,作为中国天文的大省,拥有国内近一半以上天文资源。长期以来,在中国天文学会的指导、支持下,在江苏省天文学会各成员单位特别是业务挂靠单位南京大学天文学系的支持下,在天文界、社会各界各级领导的关心下,江苏省天文学会的工作得到了长足进步。尤其是在天文资源的协调,各类天文教育与普及工作的开展过程中,中国天文学会以其强大的影响力,为江苏省天文学会的工作提供了巨大支持。江苏省天文学会在2009国际天文年所获得的荣誉,2009长江日全食所做的工作并取得的成就,都与中国天文学会的巨大支持分不开。 长期以来,中国天文学会与江苏省天文学会,都在古都南京办公。彼此之间亲如手足,相濡以沫。在90年的历程中,经历了风风雨雨。江苏省天文学会与中国天文学会的合作,江苏省天文学会与紫金山天文台的合作,以及江苏省天文学会的挂靠单位:南京大学天文与空间科学学院(前南京大学天文学系)与紫金山天文台的合作,都堪称学术团体之间的合作之楷模。 今后,江苏省天文学会将继续在中国天文学会的指导下,开展好江苏省的各类天文工作,进一步配合中国天文学会在江苏的工作。同时江苏省天文学会愿意在新的历史时期,与中国天文学会一起,与国内各天文机构一起,与省内天文机构、天文团体一起,为中国天文学的均衡发展,为进一步发挥江苏的资源优势,让江苏的天文学资源更大范围的为国家服务,而共同努力! 再次祝贺中国天文学会成立九十周年! 最后,祝愿中国天文学会明天更美好!祝愿中国天文领域星光灿烂! 江苏省天文学会 2012年10月30日 |